Every divorce is different and will cost a different amount. In the United States the average cost of a divorce is around $15,000, but how much does a divorce cost in Nebraska? Factors like complexity, court fees, state fees, divorce option type, and whether you hire an attorney or not all go into determining the cost of a divorce. Uncontested divorce cases are typically the least expensive types of divorce cases. Attorney’s typically use the same pricing model when charging clients. They charge a retainer fee and bill at an hourly rate. Cases that are more complex require more time and cost more than cases that are less complicated.
If you’re concerned about your divorce rights, submit a free case evaluation or give us a call at 402.509.7033.
Complexity & Amicability of Divorce
No two divorce cases are the same. Some are resolved fairly easily, but many are not. Getting a divorce can become more complex depending on the facts of an individual case, such as whether you have children, the length of the marriage, the amount of assets you have, you and your spouse’s income, domestic violence, among many other considerations. When trying to determine the complexity of your case, think about if a lot of these factors apply to your situation.
Is the Divorce Amicable?
How amicable you and your partner can be during the divorce process will also have a major impact on cost. If the parties can come to agreements rather easily, this will expedite the process and generally reduce attorney legal fees. If the parties become contentious resulting in court, filings, and attorney back-and-forth, expect your case to cost more.
Is the Divorce Contested?
If you think your case could be complex or contentious, it would be a smart move to hire an experienced divorce attorney to ensure you get the best outcome possible. Although hiring an attorney may be an investment, it could actually end up saving you money in the long run.
Nebraska Divorce Court & State Fees
No matter what option type you choose or where you decide to get divorced, you will have to pay court filing fees and state fees. In the state of Nebraska the cost for filing a dissolution of marriage is $160. If you have a low income, you can apply for this fee to be waived with permission from the court. Along with this form there will be other forms that will need to be completed.
Divorce Option Types
There are several types of divorce options you can choose from in Nebraska; uncontested, contested/litigated, mediated, and collaborative. The complexity of your case and amicability with your partner will ultimately decide which type of divorce option is right for you. Whichever divorce option you choose will play a major role in the cost of your divorce. If you need to spend more time with your attorney and there is high conflict between you and your spouse, chances are your costs will be higher.
- Contested Divorce: This occurs when spouses cannot come to an agreement on how they want to divide their assets and need a judge to decide. Contested divorces are typically more expensive than any of the other options because they tend to be more complex. They require more time to be spent on the case to achieve the best interests of the client.
- Uncontested Divorce: This occurs when both spouses can come to an agreement on how to divide their assets and all other relevant issues like child custody. Although you may not have anything to argue about, an attorney can be useful in preparing all the necessary paperwork to get a divorce in the state of Nebraska.
- Mediated Divorce: When a couple wants to stay out of court but needs help coming to an agreement on dividing their assets, an attorney is usually hired to serve as a mediator. If an agreement is reached, there is no need to go to court and all that will be needed is the necessary documentation which an attorney can help prepare.
- Collaborative Divorce: This is a specialized divorce process where both attorneys and spouses are in control of the process. If you have high conflict with your spouse and don’t think you will be able to reach an agreement this is not the best option for you. This can be a great option when done correctly and for spouses that can communicate and are interested in a needs-based outcome in their divorce case.
Should I Hire a Divorce Attorney?
Hiring a divorce attorney can ensure that you are getting the best outcome possible and have properly filed all documentation required by Nebraska courts. Although you may hope to save money by representing yourself, this is rarely the case. Especially if you have a more complex case. Spending the money to hire an experienced attorney can protect you from losing assets and losing more money in the long run. If you’re considering getting a divorce, think about your situation. How complicated is it? How difficult would it be too separate from your spouse?
If you have any questions about getting divorced and which option could be best for you, contact an experienced Nebraska Legal Group Attorney today at (402) 509-7033.