It is important to understand that Nebraska is NOT a community property state, but rather an equitable distribution state. That means that the court will seek to divide property in a manner that is fair and equitable to the parties. Often that means that the property is split evenly, but that is not required under Nebraska law, and often doesn’t happen that way. Our goal is to help you make the best possible financial decisions for yourself and for your family moving forward. We strongly encourage you to speak to an Omaha divorce and family law attorney about your property division.

Things to Know About Property Division
While going through a separation or divorce, it is important to receive a financial agreement that is equitable and takes into consideration your current circumstances. Division of marital property can be a point of contention between married couples if they are not able to effectively communicate with each other or if they want different things. Nebraska Legal Group can help you figure out the best approach to reaching a settlement. We will protect your rights and financial interests throughout the legal proceedings.
Nebraska Property Laws
Nebraska is a dual-classification state. This means that the court will separate property brought into the marriage by the parties from the property acquired during the marriage. Only property acquired during the marriage is subject to equitable distribution.
Factors That Affect Award of Property
The court will consider the following factors in any proceeding concerning the division of marital property:
- The contribution each spouse made toward the marital estate
- The current and future economic status of the spouses
- The duration and the marriage
- The child custody arrangements of minor children
Contact the experienced divorce attorneys at Nebraska Legal Group. Call 402-509-7033 for our Omaha office and 531-248-5050 for our Lincoln office or get started with a free case evaluation.
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Contact an Omaha Divorce and Family Law Attorney
You can discuss your property issues with a member of our legal staff by calling 402.509.7033 to schedule an initial consultation with a qualified Omaha divorce and family law attorney. Our office is located in Omaha however we represent clients in cities throughout the state of Nebraska and Iowa. While you are going through a separation or divorce it is imperative that you have someone looking out for your long-term financial interests. Talk with one of our lawyers so that we can start working towards the resolution you need to move on with your life.

Need Legal Assistance From a Nebraska Divorce Attorney?
Call Nebraska Legal Group at 402.509.7033 or get started with a free case evaluation.
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Omaha Office
Two Old Mill, 10855 West Dodge Rd
Suite 240
Omaha, NE 68154
Lincoln Office
6940 O Street
Suite 314
Lincoln, NE 68510
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