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Nebraska Legal Group Divorce and Family Law Attorneys walking in the Omaha Old Market

How Soon Can You Get Married After a Divorce in Nebraska?

Very little concerning divorce and remarriage happens very quickly in Nebraska. Certain waiting periods apply before divorces can be finalized and further waiting periods apply before you can get married to another person.

There is nothing anyone can do about these stipulations – except wait!

The Divorce Waiting Period in Nebraska

While a couple can get married relatively quickly, the same doesn’t apply to divorce or remarriage in Nebraska.

If one of the spouses completes a Complaint for Dissolution of Marriage (the name for Petition for Divorce in Nebraska) papers must be served on the other spouse and the court must be provided with proof of this, according to Nebraska law.

Once the other spouse has been served the Complaint, there is a 60-day waiting period in place. This acts like a “cooling off” period and prevents the divorce from being finalized until the period expires.

The law recognizes that some people make rash decisions in the heat of the moment and provides time for a couple to reconcile the marriages. It rarely happens, but this is the law. It can be frustrating for couples in uncontested divorces where both spouses have already agreed to part amicably and have reached an agreement on all the main terms.

Because of this waiting period, most divorce cases can take six months or more.

If you are waiting to divorce and remarry with someone else in Nebraska (or anywhere in the world), there is more bad news…

Nebraska Post-Divorce Waiting Periods

After your final divorce hearing or trial, the Decree of Dissolution of Marriage will be entered and filed with the Clerk of Court in your local courthouse. You will be officially divorced on the day the Court signs the Decree and either party has 30 days after that date to appeal the Court’s decision.

This 30-day waiting period allows for a party to appeal the Decree of Dissolution of Marriage. It is rare but it does happen.

According to Nebraska law, you cannot then marry anyone until at least six months and one day from the date the decree is signed by the judge and filed with the Clerk’s office.

This law applies to Nebraska residents who want to remarry anyone anywhere in the world.

Nothing stops you from dating during that period but marriage will not be granted until the post-divorce waiting period is up,

Looking For a Quick Divorce and/or Remarriage?

Most people want a quick divorce if the terms are right for them – but few would wish to rush into another marriage immediately afterwards.

The waiting periods in Nebraska mean that cannot realistically happen anyway.

However, if you want to prevent delays in the divorce process, it’s best to hire an experienced divorce attorney. Our attorneys will work in your interests to ensure that delays are kept to a minimum.

Contact the experienced divorce attorneys at Nebraska Legal Group by submitting a free case evaluation or calling us at 402.509.7033 in Omaha or 531.248.5050 in Lincoln.

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Two Old Mill, 10855 West Dodge Rd
Suite 240
Omaha, NE 68154

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6940 O Street
Suite 314
Lincoln, NE 68510

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